On the 19th of July, we had a #3 typhoon signal up. Those who managed to come anyway were so late that we decided to dispense with the regular program. We did play the game, though, and everyone seemed to really enjoy that. Since we were talking about Paul & Silas in prison, we played a game called "escape from prison." Passed around a "bomb" (a covered plastic bowl with a digital timer inside, set & reset for 30 seconds); whoever had the bomb when it went off had just blasted himself/herself an escape tunnel. That person (kids and adults all participated) had to crawl under a table & then at the other side, climb on a stool to reach a paper key that matched his/her "cell number" (label pasted on shirt). Played until everyone was out of prison.
Because we had so much time just sitting around waiting for people to show up, I was able to share a simple gospel presentation one-on-one with a-Wai. I asked him if he had received Christ as his Savior and he grunted. I had to ask, sorry, I don't know if that meant yes or no! So he grunted again, but with a tiny nod at the same time. Well then, I said, let's give thanks to the Lord! I meant we should pray and give thanks. But instead he jumped up with a big smile on his face and gave me a "secret handshake" (I asked mom about it and she said it meant we were good friends. Way cool.)
So, it was Sunday the 26th before we got around to the story of Paul & Silas in Philippi. Here it is in Chinese:
最近我們跟哪兩個主角﹖ | (問大家) 介紹保羅和巴拿巴 |
有一天﹐保羅對巴拿巴說﹐我們不如回去我們建立教會的地方﹐知道他們如何。巴拿巴說﹐好﹐又想叫他的表弟與他們一齊去。 | 巴拿巴揀選一個作表弟 |
但保羅不同意。他說﹐這位馬可﹐上次不夠負責﹐我不信任他。 | 保羅推馬可﹐想叫他走 |
但巴拿巴很想給馬可多機會。所以﹐保羅和巴拿巴要分開。巴拿巴帶馬可回去塞浦路斯﹔ | 巴拿巴和馬可坐凳子搖船﹐就可以坐低 |
保羅揀選西拉﹐他們一齊出發 | 保羅和西拉又坐船 |
他們先回去已經去過的地方。但坐那裏﹐有一晚: | 他們鋪毛巾而睡覺 |
保羅夢見一個人顯然﹐對他說﹕請你到馬其頓來幫助我們。 | 一個人起身﹐對他們這樣說 |
第二天﹐他們一早出去馬其頓 | 又坐船 |
他們去到一個城市叫腓立比。在那裏有一個被鬼附的使女。她用法術﹐叫他的主人多得錢。 | 介紹一個女子﹐戴特帽 |
保羅和西拉傳道的時候﹐她跟他們﹐大聲說﹐[這兩位是至高神的僕人﹐教人怎能得救] | 保羅和西拉行一個圈﹐女子跟他們這樣說。 |
好不好的事﹖ | (問大家) |
其實不是太好﹔她真是騷擾他們﹐直至到人想聽怎能得救就聽不見﹗保羅心中厭煩﹐對那鬼說﹕我奉耶穌基督的名吩咐你在她身上出來喇﹗ | 保羅指著女子﹐說﹕要出來﹗ |
鬼真是出了去。現在﹐女子不繼續騷擾他們﹐但一樣作不到法術﹔她的主人不再得益﹗他們怎樣呢﹖ | (問大家) |
他們拉保羅和西拉﹐用木棍打他們 | 用毛巾棍來打他們 |
就要他們坐監﹐看監的人的腳上了木狗。 | 他們要坐在[內監] |
他們非常辛苦﹗他們坐在監裏﹐知不知作甚麼﹖ | (問大家) |
他們討論今天見到神的大能﹐又得榮幸為主受苦﹐就唱詩歌讚美神﹗ | 他們一齊唱 [主你的慈愛] |
未唱完﹐突然有大的地震﹗所有監門自己開﹔木狗又開。 | 一個人大聲打鼓。要打開木狗。 |
看監的人見到監門全開﹐就拔刀要自殺 | 看監的遞高刀檢 |
但保羅說﹐不好害自己喇﹗我們沒有走﹗ | 保羅說﹕不要死﹗我們沒有走﹗ |
看監的很感動﹐欣賞保羅和西拉的態度。他先把水洗他們的傷口﹐然後求他們用水給他受洗禮。 | 看監的把毛巾子抹保羅和西拉的背 --保羅就把藍色紙倒在他頭上 |
第二天早上﹐差人來說﹐他們可以出監 | 男子戴證章拉他們起身推他們走 |
A definite highlight of the story was having the boys put in stocks:
We did the repeat of the prison escape game, and it went just as well the second time around.
For a craft, we chose a Chinese character meaning "joy," and drew it large but lightly on pieces of red card stock. Each child got a length of yarn, a pair of scissors, a small dish of glue, and a Q-tip, to create the character in yellow yarn on the red paper. Very pretty.
Bible study was from Philippians 4:1-9, on three secrets for enjoying peace and joy.
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