Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hungering and Thirsting after Righteousness

After Jesus had already died, risen, and returned to heaven, His disciples when around to different cities and countries to preach the gospel.


Two who went together were Paul and Silas

Two boys with cross pendants walk around

They went to a Greek city called Thessalonica, and stayed at the home of someone named Jason.

boys knock on "door", another boy as Jason welcomes them & pours them tea

The next day, they went to the Jewish house of worship

have boys & girls sit on separate sides of the room as in a traditional synagogue

They used the Old Testament, which is the original Bible of the Jews, to explain the truth about Jesus to them.

hold up Bible

"Every year you celebrate the Passover, when God forced the king of Egypt to let His people leave.

"Silas" displays flannel scene of house, pyramids in background

They had to kill a lamb and offer in to God, then take some of its blood and put it on the doorposts. When God came to punish Egypt, the Israelites didn't have to be afraid, because of the lamb's blood..

"Paul" adds lamb on altar, blood on doorposts

So Passover shows us how the lamb's blood made them not have to fear dying..


Now Jesus' blood, in the same way, protects us from God's punishment so that we don't have to be afraid of our souls dying."

"Silas" switches to blank flannel scene; "Paul" puts up Jesus on cross

What do you suppose was the response of the people?

(ask all)

A few people believed

1-2 get up and join P & S at front of room

But most of the people said, no way, we are already God's people. Those people who worship idols are sinners, but we don't need God to forgive us!

laugh at Paul & Silas, tell them to go away They & "new believers" leave & go into side room.

After they left, some people said, it isn't enough to turn them out of the synagogue; we should chase them out of town too!

everybody gets up and starts running around looking for P & S. Can't find them.

Finally someone says, well, this Jason invited them in. We can punish him at least! So they grabbed him and dragged him in front of the judge..

grab "Jason" and drag him to the judge (tall boy in black baptismal robe)

The judge fined Jason but let him go.

Jason gives money to judge

The new believers told Paul & Silas they'd better go. So they went on to Berea.

"new believers" push P & S away, they walk around room.

Once again they went to the synagogue first.

separate men & women again

And again they used the OT to explain the gospel

(repeat flannelgraph story)

What response do you suppose they had?

(ask all)

They said, wow, if this is really true, it's wonderful! We wouldn't have to fear God's judgment any more, we could have his righteousness! But of course just because it sounds good doesn't mean it's true. Let's check it out for ourselves to see if what they're saying really is in the Bible.

Pass out Bibles to everyone. Whoever is first to find Isaiah 53:5, reads it aloud

Yes! Everything they're saying is really according to God's word! We can enjoy God's reghteiousness and not fear his punishment! Yahoo!!

everyone jumps up & down & celebrates with P & S

Game: Racing to "hungrily" eat bowls of pistachios—which are translated "happy nuts" in Cantonese!

Craft: fridges filled with "righteous" food (veggie stickers)—thanks, Dave K., for the great idea! It worked very well!

Bible study: Matthew 5:6

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thank you for your comment and best wishes for your ministry. I was happy to add you to the blogroll. :-)