Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Adventures in Jerusalem

This Sunday we celebrated our third anniversary at Merciful Love Family Fellowship. We were sad that some people who said they would come didn't—but delighted to have two new families join us! One mom with two mentally handicapped girls (a teen and a young adult, both very sweet-natured), and another with a mentally handicapped daughter and her younger, neurotypical sister. We do hope we see them all again!!

Here's our Chinese story, which was led very well by Mr. Lei. Both he and Mrs. Chu seem to have found the groove. Yea!










我們有辦法來證明你自己尊重神的律法。這兩個年青人已經起了誓﹐明天要去聖殿﹐ 要剃頭﹐要獻祭。不如你和他們一齊去﹐你為他們出錢。這樣證明你不教人不守律法。





























Story highlights: Paul accepted the Jerusalem church leaders' suggestion to take the young men to the temple and pay their expenses for having their heads shaved and making a sacfrice. For the head-shaving, we were very un-first-century—used an electric razor (with the safety cover firmly attached!). So at least we had a sound, since we weren't going to have a good visual representation of shaved heads!

We did have visual "shaved" heads for our game. Another relay race, with a row of cardboard faces for each time, to which had been attached long yarn ponytails. Each team member was supposed to run up & cut through the whole tail (between the ribbon and the head, where the "hair" was closer together and required more effort to cut) and bring it back to his/her team. Simple, but fun.

I couldn't come up with a craft idea to go with the story, at all. So instead we had one to go with the fact that it was our third anniversary. We made a dessert for the potluck: chocolate pudding, with either marshmallows or peanuts as add-ins. I found some cute little cheap pudding dishes at a local shop that made it extra special.

I had been busy making a "craft" of my own to present to each long-term family, a personalized booklet with pictures of each child displaying almost all the craft stuff we've done for this unit on Acts, with captions as reminders of the stories they represented. Everyone seemed to really like them. Thanks, Sharlene, for the great idea! I'm trying to put together a compilation of them all to use to show other families I might like to invite, and then to have for home assignment too, of course!

Bible study was on I Peter 2:19-20, talking about how Paul was unjustly accused of persuading Jews to abandon the law, and bringing Gentiles into the temple. How it is better to suffer unjustly than to do something deserving of punishment (whether you suffer for it or not). That God rewards those who suffer unjustly.

Bruce and I will be taking a brief vacation next weekend, to celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary. At MLFF they will just have a "free day" with some volunteers coming to supervise the kids, and the parents just having a chance to talk with each other. Then on the 30th we will finish up our stories in the book of Acts.

Then, we have "permission" from the parents to start our curriculum over in Genesis, beginning the first Sunday in September! Since I will be working from existing materials, this should make my life considerably easier than it's been for a while. Though I will also be taking the chance to polish or change things that didn't go over as well, mainly games or crafts. And getting everything into Chinese, for future users' readability.

We're also going to try not having separate Bible study passages, instead trying to just discuss the story. So that our unbelievers don't feel as overwhelmed as they sometimes have. We will need to prepare some "leading" discussion questions, however, or could lose the evangelistic applications we hope to make.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Road to Jerusalem

Oh dear; behind again. Too busy getting ready for this week's third anniversary celebration. Glad I was already a week ahead in planning the stories etc, or I would have really been in trouble this week.

Before starting today's story (written in Chinese again, which is going to be true more & more often…) we handed out silver coins to each person. One person was also given a copy of a newspaper with a special headline taped on the inside…then, when Paul & Silas were introduced as our main characters (again), Paul was given a bathrobe-style belt to wear.






























但保羅﹐不好叫我灰心喇﹗ 無論要經歷甚麼 苦楚﹐我都要去。





So, Paul & Silas were going around preaching when the "newsboy" came up with his paper and showed Paul and Silas the headline that told of a famine in Jerusalem. So they went around to "the churches they'd planted" and collected all the silver coins, to bring to Jerusalem to help the church there. (I'm really not clear from the Bible account just why it was so important for Paul to go to Jerusalem in spite of all the warnings he was getting. I know he was collecting money for the Jerusalem church, so I used this as an explanation.)

This story included Paul's long speech at Troas when Eutychus fell asleep in the window. Once again, our facility proved ideal for our purpose. We sat our volunteer Eutychus in the window leading from our main room to the balcony. While Mrs. Chu was talking about how long-winded Paul was getting, I hurried out through the bedrooms to approach the balcony that way. When Mrs. Chu said, "suddenly, he fell down three stories to the ground!" I (invisibly—these are coated windows) yanked Eutychus backward out of the window and laid "him" (her—a nice lightweight girl!) on the ground. From inside it looked pretty true to life! Such fun! The hapless Eutychus was then raised to life by Paul, who did so by yanking her arm nearly out of her socket…

The story also included Agabus' prophecy of Paul's belt being used to tie Paul's hands and feet. So for our game we did a relay. Each person had to put on a belt and run to "Jerusalem," where the belt was removed by helpers and used to tie his/her hands and feet. Then they had to jump or hobble back to their team and get the belt off & around the waist of the next person. Good fun.

It was hard to come up with a craft for this story. So what we did was tie it into the adult Bible study. We asked, with all these people warning Paul not to go to Jerusalem, what gave him the courage to press on? The Bible study passage was Philippians 4:11b-13—he could do (or endure) all things through the strength that Christ gives. So with the theme of "strength," we made barbells out of paper-towel rolls and balloons.

A-Si had another bad day—he tried to grab the plastic bag of balloons away to rip it apart (he has a thing about ripping up plastic bags), and thoughtlessly I snapped at him to stop it. Something in him snapped at that & he started screaming, hitting himself, biting himself, and managed to elbow his grandmother in the mouth in the process. Finally he calmed down (I gave him the bag to rip after it was empty), and he enjoyed the craft time and indeed the rest of the morning, but his poor grandmother was in tears. He has been getting more volatile and she had already quit taking him to his swimming or basketball activities because of trouble he's caused there. We prayed specially for/with Grandma, and urged her to ask Jesus for His strength, but she was inconsolable. My heart just aches for her!! If anyone is reading this, please pray for Grandma Si!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ephesus and the Sons of Sceva

Attendance is still low—we did have one return visitor that we'd heard wasn't coming back. Unfortunately he was late & missed the singing, story and craft time. Got there just in time for the game (we did the craft before the game this time since we made things to use in the game), which he did like! But then the Bible study was kind of hard going, so I'm afraid it might have discouraged mom. Sigh.

At the end of the adult Bible study, we always have the kids come out and we pray in a circle together. Usually we don't make a-Si come out, because he is usually in the middle of coloring and if you make him leave it, it really upsets him. He has the admirable trait of wanting to finish what he starts! (smile) But the person in charge of the kids this week forgot, and insisted he come out. He came out, but in a raging temper, knocking into a few bodies on the way and then screaming and jumping up and down. We sent him back to his coloring and he was fine. But it was a bit alarming! (He is a BIG kid!)

Anyway, here's the story:

Who remembers the names of our two main characters?

Ask all, introduce Paul and Silas 

After they got out of prison in Philippi, they went through Greece preaching the gospel.

They walk around room. Continue walking with them while talking…

The Greeks at that time loved to talk about new ideas, so this part of the Bible has a lot of talking. You are welcome to read it for yourself, but we won't do that much talking right now. So we will jump to when they crossed the sea back to Ephesus.

At end of this speech they "row" back to Ephesus 

They were very well received there.

They shake hands with everyone 

So they stayed there quite a while—around two years.

They can sit down & put their feet up.

They didn't have to go around doing as much street preaching; instead people would come to them to hear their teaching.

2-3 others pull up stools and sit in front of them

And God did a lot of miracles there through Paul. For example, if Paul used a handkerchief to wipe his sweat…

Paul uses handkerchief to wipe his forehead

And then someone took that handkerchief and broght it to a sick person…

One "listener" takes handkerchief to another who leans back in chair, washcloth on forehead, pretzel thermometer in mouth

When they would put the handkerchief on his body, he would get well!

Listener lays handkerchief on sick person, who gets up.

So there was this group of people who didn't want to accept Jesus' salvation, but they had to admit that His name carried a lot of power.

Introduce 2-3; explain there were seven in all. At "mjipsauh" they do No,No; at "yauh kyuhn," they show their muscles

One day, they met a person possessed by a demon—a very frightening and dangerous man, yet also very pitiable.

One boy with backwards ball cap, scar on face

These men wanted to help him, but they just didn't know how. So one of them said to the demon inside the man: I command you, by the name of Jesus that Paul preaches, to come out of him!

One of group points to him and says: Fuhng Boloh ge Yehsou—giu neih jau!

But the demon answered: Ha! I know who Jesus is, and I know who Paul is. But you aren't anybody! Get out of here! So this man jumped on the whole group of them and they had to run for their lives!

He repeats phrases as they are mentioned, then jumps at them all and they all run away.

As the people in the city became aware of all these things, they realized that it was not a good idea to try and mix the name of Jesus with their own religion. So a lot of them gathered their books of magic and made a huge pile of them and burned them.

Kids pile up a bunch of books, sprinkle with orange & yellow paper scraps. 

Paul and Silas saw their commitment and knew that they weren't really needed there any longer. They could go on and preach in other places.

Everyone waves good-bye, Paul & Silas walk off to kitchen. 

Craft: making the "seven sons of Sceva" out of water bottles

Game: one "demon" (ball) bowling them all over

Bible study: The sons of Sceva were missing the armor of God! Ephesians 6:11, 14-17