Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ephesus and the Sons of Sceva

Attendance is still low—we did have one return visitor that we'd heard wasn't coming back. Unfortunately he was late & missed the singing, story and craft time. Got there just in time for the game (we did the craft before the game this time since we made things to use in the game), which he did like! But then the Bible study was kind of hard going, so I'm afraid it might have discouraged mom. Sigh.

At the end of the adult Bible study, we always have the kids come out and we pray in a circle together. Usually we don't make a-Si come out, because he is usually in the middle of coloring and if you make him leave it, it really upsets him. He has the admirable trait of wanting to finish what he starts! (smile) But the person in charge of the kids this week forgot, and insisted he come out. He came out, but in a raging temper, knocking into a few bodies on the way and then screaming and jumping up and down. We sent him back to his coloring and he was fine. But it was a bit alarming! (He is a BIG kid!)

Anyway, here's the story:

Who remembers the names of our two main characters?

Ask all, introduce Paul and Silas 

After they got out of prison in Philippi, they went through Greece preaching the gospel.

They walk around room. Continue walking with them while talking…

The Greeks at that time loved to talk about new ideas, so this part of the Bible has a lot of talking. You are welcome to read it for yourself, but we won't do that much talking right now. So we will jump to when they crossed the sea back to Ephesus.

At end of this speech they "row" back to Ephesus 

They were very well received there.

They shake hands with everyone 

So they stayed there quite a while—around two years.

They can sit down & put their feet up.

They didn't have to go around doing as much street preaching; instead people would come to them to hear their teaching.

2-3 others pull up stools and sit in front of them

And God did a lot of miracles there through Paul. For example, if Paul used a handkerchief to wipe his sweat…

Paul uses handkerchief to wipe his forehead

And then someone took that handkerchief and broght it to a sick person…

One "listener" takes handkerchief to another who leans back in chair, washcloth on forehead, pretzel thermometer in mouth

When they would put the handkerchief on his body, he would get well!

Listener lays handkerchief on sick person, who gets up.

So there was this group of people who didn't want to accept Jesus' salvation, but they had to admit that His name carried a lot of power.

Introduce 2-3; explain there were seven in all. At "mjipsauh" they do No,No; at "yauh kyuhn," they show their muscles

One day, they met a person possessed by a demon—a very frightening and dangerous man, yet also very pitiable.

One boy with backwards ball cap, scar on face

These men wanted to help him, but they just didn't know how. So one of them said to the demon inside the man: I command you, by the name of Jesus that Paul preaches, to come out of him!

One of group points to him and says: Fuhng Boloh ge Yehsou—giu neih jau!

But the demon answered: Ha! I know who Jesus is, and I know who Paul is. But you aren't anybody! Get out of here! So this man jumped on the whole group of them and they had to run for their lives!

He repeats phrases as they are mentioned, then jumps at them all and they all run away.

As the people in the city became aware of all these things, they realized that it was not a good idea to try and mix the name of Jesus with their own religion. So a lot of them gathered their books of magic and made a huge pile of them and burned them.

Kids pile up a bunch of books, sprinkle with orange & yellow paper scraps. 

Paul and Silas saw their commitment and knew that they weren't really needed there any longer. They could go on and preach in other places.

Everyone waves good-bye, Paul & Silas walk off to kitchen. 

Craft: making the "seven sons of Sceva" out of water bottles

Game: one "demon" (ball) bowling them all over

Bible study: The sons of Sceva were missing the armor of God! Ephesians 6:11, 14-17


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