Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Road to Jerusalem

Oh dear; behind again. Too busy getting ready for this week's third anniversary celebration. Glad I was already a week ahead in planning the stories etc, or I would have really been in trouble this week.

Before starting today's story (written in Chinese again, which is going to be true more & more often…) we handed out silver coins to each person. One person was also given a copy of a newspaper with a special headline taped on the inside…then, when Paul & Silas were introduced as our main characters (again), Paul was given a bathrobe-style belt to wear.






























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So, Paul & Silas were going around preaching when the "newsboy" came up with his paper and showed Paul and Silas the headline that told of a famine in Jerusalem. So they went around to "the churches they'd planted" and collected all the silver coins, to bring to Jerusalem to help the church there. (I'm really not clear from the Bible account just why it was so important for Paul to go to Jerusalem in spite of all the warnings he was getting. I know he was collecting money for the Jerusalem church, so I used this as an explanation.)

This story included Paul's long speech at Troas when Eutychus fell asleep in the window. Once again, our facility proved ideal for our purpose. We sat our volunteer Eutychus in the window leading from our main room to the balcony. While Mrs. Chu was talking about how long-winded Paul was getting, I hurried out through the bedrooms to approach the balcony that way. When Mrs. Chu said, "suddenly, he fell down three stories to the ground!" I (invisibly—these are coated windows) yanked Eutychus backward out of the window and laid "him" (her—a nice lightweight girl!) on the ground. From inside it looked pretty true to life! Such fun! The hapless Eutychus was then raised to life by Paul, who did so by yanking her arm nearly out of her socket…

The story also included Agabus' prophecy of Paul's belt being used to tie Paul's hands and feet. So for our game we did a relay. Each person had to put on a belt and run to "Jerusalem," where the belt was removed by helpers and used to tie his/her hands and feet. Then they had to jump or hobble back to their team and get the belt off & around the waist of the next person. Good fun.

It was hard to come up with a craft for this story. So what we did was tie it into the adult Bible study. We asked, with all these people warning Paul not to go to Jerusalem, what gave him the courage to press on? The Bible study passage was Philippians 4:11b-13—he could do (or endure) all things through the strength that Christ gives. So with the theme of "strength," we made barbells out of paper-towel rolls and balloons.

A-Si had another bad day—he tried to grab the plastic bag of balloons away to rip it apart (he has a thing about ripping up plastic bags), and thoughtlessly I snapped at him to stop it. Something in him snapped at that & he started screaming, hitting himself, biting himself, and managed to elbow his grandmother in the mouth in the process. Finally he calmed down (I gave him the bag to rip after it was empty), and he enjoyed the craft time and indeed the rest of the morning, but his poor grandmother was in tears. He has been getting more volatile and she had already quit taking him to his swimming or basketball activities because of trouble he's caused there. We prayed specially for/with Grandma, and urged her to ask Jesus for His strength, but she was inconsolable. My heart just aches for her!! If anyone is reading this, please pray for Grandma Si!

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