Monday, January 19, 2009

Attribute Review

I am obviously behind in keeping this updated. Just as I am always running behind at preparing for each Sunday so far this year. Sigh. But I can't go out on our regular Monday night date with my husband until I get caught up! So here goes.

For January 4, we did a review of the 14 attributes we'd covered over the previous four months. We had different kids re-enact little snippets from the various stories while the adults tried to guess which attributes they were meant to portray. It was not a howling success, in part because attendance has been so spotty that some people were seeing the stories for the first time. And even when people were present, they have not been paying as much attention, I think. Because it's getting old? Because of the subject matter? I don't know. Either way, something needs to change. Lord, please show us what & how.

Well, the game for review day was well-received, at least. They'd liked the fishing game so well (God's omnipresence) that we used it again. Years ago a friend had given me 20 different miniature, magnetized kitchen utensils that have been collecting dust on the exhaust hood over the stove. I chose 14 of them & had photos identifying each one with one of the attributes we'd studied. All the kids had to do was fish until they'd caught and identified each item.

Our "craft," or deskwork, was a Chinese word search. Can you find 14 attributes of God listed in the grid below?

The Bible study time was enjoyable. We just had a printed list of the attributes with an accompanying Bible verse to define each one. Each person had to choose one and say either what it meant to him/her, or ask a question about it. Everyone was willing to participate. One unbeliever said she most appreciated that God is faithful even when we are not faithful—her application being that she was glad she could come when she could & not have to have perfect attendance to be acceptable.

I am also very, very thankful to the Lord that we don't have to be perfect in any way in order for Him to keep faithfully loving us!!

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