Sunday, November 1, 2009

Abraham’s test of faith

Today was our mother church's annual outdoor service/picnic, so that's where most of our people went. I decided to stay around just in case some new folks or returnees who didn't know about the event might show. One of our regular families was actually planning to come, since the picnic lasted too long for their schedule. But I guess they decided to take the morning off as well. So there was just myself and this new "volunteer" mom with her neurotypical daughter.

We did the program anyway. Usually we set three kids as the minimum. But since I had decided to do this story with flannelgraph, we didn't need a lot of bodies. And since I had gone to all the trouble to prepare it, I figured we might as well do it!

It worked out rather well chronologically that this story happened on the low-attendance day (God keeps doing things like this!), since it is one that is kind of hard to teach to unbelievers. Although, thinking the Ng family was going to be there, I had done a lot of extra studying as to how to help mom digest it, and learned a few helpful things myself!

Like, because of what Abraham went through, none of us has to go through the same thing. Because now we KNOW God wouldn't really require us to sacrifice our children to Him. It's sort of "too late" for Him to test anyone else on that score. I'm glad of that!

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