Thursday, June 24, 2010

Commandment Three

Time for a blog update. It will be sketchy, as I wasn't there. My husband had hip replacement surgery on Friday June 18th over in Hong Kong so I have been there (here) with him.

We used the story of Job to illustrate this commandment about not using the Lord's name inappropriately. Highlights would be "Satan" in his/her red mask bragging about how many people he has led astray, and "God" in his/her halo pointing out righteous Job. So then of course the trials begin—pictures of his flocks & herds & children are systematically carried away by armed raiders, or destroyed. Finally Job ends up with sores (bandaids) all over his arms & legs. (Handy that this was summer; more flesh exposed!). Then his friends come and lay into him about how he must be a great sinner or God would never treat him like this.

Eventually God appears and scolds the friends for using His name wrongly, by saying untrue things about His dealings with us. Job receives new flocks & herds & children.

For the game we had little clip art pictures of donkeys, camels, oxen and sheep in various numbers, masking-taped face-down on plastic blocks & evenly distributed into two plastic bags. Players divided into two teams, each with a "Job". The other players, relay-style, would take a block from the bag & run it to Job, where they would peel off the tape to find the animal, and make a check next to that category. First team to restore at least one of all four kinds of animal to Job was the winner. This wasn't original; I found it on a website somewhere & if I could remember where I would give it credit. Sorry!

Craft was obvious. Job's friends did a lousy job at being a comfort to him when he was sick. So the kids practiced a much better way to behave toward sick friends—creating get-well cards. They made them for my husband! Kevin, who has been staying at our home to cat-sit, collected them to bring back & have there to surprise Bruce when he got back home.

But I ended up bringing them here to the hospital instead. I rushed home to Macau yesterday (Wednesday) to arrange things for this Sunday, among other errands, and then rushed back to Hong Kong this morning to be here for Bruce's second surgery, since his too-thin thigh bone fractured sometime post-op. So I won't be at Merciful Love for the next commandment either…

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