Monday, September 14, 2009

Creation, the 5th & 6th days

An exciting week!! One of our newcomers married into a Christian family. Has considered herself a Christian because they don't worship idols at her home, but she really knew NOTHING of what she was supposed to believe. Last week I had asked her if she would be interested in getting together for some Bible study with just two or three of us, during the week, and she said yes. (I wouldn't have felt I had the time to do this if we hadn't started over!) I also invited another mom who's been coming for over a year; I think she would like to come but will have trouble coming regularly. We shall see.

But Mrs. Wong came Thursday morning and she prayed to receive Christ as Savior! WOOHOO!! Am I excited or what?!!

This Sunday, then, we finished up the creation story. I need to get away from using as much flannelgraph as I did three years ago, but this time it still seemed to be the best way to introduce all those animals. Having the kids name them and put them up on the board twice—once when they were created and once when Adam had to name them—was good.

We played our Animal Farm again. I hadn't come up with enough animals for everyone to imitate—we had ten kids and eleven adults this week! But we got around that problem by having a lot of the kids team up with mom, which probably worked better anyway. Lots of laughter for this game!!

We hadn't had a craft the first time around, but this time we did. We made octopi out of bananas, and people faces with tomatoes. Not original ideas; they came from a "Lovely Vegetables" e-mail forward I received quite a while back. Thank you, Sico! Bruce has the camera with him, he's on his way to a conference in the Philippines, so I can't add any pictures right now…

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