Monday, September 14, 2009

Starting Over

September 6th, we started the curriculum over from the beginning. Just some minor changes from the first Sunday, on the first 4 days of creation. We added a game this time, which we didn't have the first time around. We talked about how some scientists claim that the world "just happened," so we experimented with trying to just happen to make the world as beautiful as God made it. Each child got to try throwing cardboard cutouts of a tree, a bush, a couple of flowers, the sun, and a cloud onto a grass & sky scene laid on the floor. Guess what—nobody's looked anywhere near as good as the model picture!

This time around we are radically changing our adult Bible study time. That is the one section of the morning where the adults get to explore the Bible more deeply—the one section that one would expect to have the highest potential for yielding spiritual fruit. And since we haven't had any adult conversions since November 2006, and she had been learning about Jesus for ten years (!!), we figured we needed to change this part!

So now it's going to be mainly just a review of the story rather than a study of a related passage. Though we plan to have a few key verses to look up at the END of the study. I was in with the kids, so I can't say firsthand how it went. Except I do know there was a tangential discussion about whether God could fix global warming. It sounds like Bruce handled it well.

We're thrilled that our two new families look like they're settling in for the long haul! It's neat that they get to start from the beginning now with us.

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